Monday, May 26, 2008

Lady Musgrave Island (Great Barrier Reef)

With 90 nm of ocean between us and the coral island of Lady Musgrave it was time for our first night sail. On the evening of 15 May we set out in calm seas and 10 knot winds. However, once out of the protection of Fraser Island the seas became very uncomfortable and a long night was spent dodging fishing trawlers. The reward for the unpleasant sail arrived mid morning when Lady Musgrave Island, a wooded coral cay with fringing reef around a lagoon, slowly began to appear on the horizon. The popularity of Lady Musgrave is partly that it is one of only a few reefs with access to a lagoon and an island on which to stretch your legs (see photo). Dropping anchor in 7 metres depth and watching the anchor glide through the crystal clear water to the sand below is quite an experience. Time here was spent snorkelling around the massive coral formations, among schools of brightly coloured fish and eye balling large sea turtles as they glided by in this clear water. I really do need an underwater camera! The price we paid for this fantastic experience was a night of surviving a 35 knot gale with only the protection of the coral reef and a very small island (see photo).

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