Thursday, December 30, 2010

Erica Crew at Start of Sydney Hobart 2010

The last time Phil was at the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race was in 1981 when he was a crew member on SA competitor Adria. In 1981 there were 159 starters and even though he finished near the end of the fleet it was a fantastic experience with a magnificent spinnaker start that year. So to be back in 2010 and to see up close the changes in technology and being in the middle of the action was a highlight for all Erica's crew. Sadly Erica wasn't there but the crew enjoyed the luxury and vantage point on a very large luxury ferry which was allowed onto the race course in the Harbour.

The weather started wet and overcast but we were happy to be there catching up with our friend Kingsley doing his 28th Hobart on Chutzpah and with 3 SA yachts competing. Last years winner was from SA - Two True and regular competitor Secret Mens Business and new boat Shinning Sea. As we do this post Secret Mens Business has been announced the provisional 2010 winner so GO South Australia!

We are loving our stay in Sydney so Enjoy as we are...

Brollies and Jackets before the start

Kinglsey relaxed before his 28th Hobart

Phil on Chutzpah a 40 footer

Secret Mens Business leaves the marina

Wild Thing's tight start at our end

This was up close and exciting

Wild Oats powers off the windward side

Living Doll with man up mast early after start

Living Doll off and racing

Secret Mens getting gassed at the Heads

Phil really enjoying the action from a different vantage point

Say No More Crew in the Action

SA hope for a win Two True

SA new hope Shinning Sea going out the Heads

Sue capturing the action

Original Fisherman's squatter huts near Sydney Heads

The very happy Erica Crew on the Harbour

The best way to finish a fantastic day with the sun shinning!

Family Christmas in Sydney - December 2010

It has been fantastic to have Amy, Greg and Chris (sadly Nicole was working) fly into Sydney to share part of Christmas together. It was great fun touring around this fabulous harbour taking photo's in and around the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We enjoyed a delicious roast turkey dinner under the stars (yes good weather at last) in our marina at Birkenhead point. Then sadly after farewelling Chris off back to Adelaide on Christmas morning we enjoyed a very sunny Christmas Day at anchor in Rose Bay before finishing off with a brisk sail back under the harbour bridge. Enjoy as we certainly are...

We just love this Bridge

Greg and Amy off Lunar Park

Chris the very budding photographer

Harbour Bridge and Opera House

Father and Son

Family touring Darling Harbour

Building castles while waiting for the Turkey!

Christmas Eve on Erica

Just love that Turkey

Christmas Eve after a wonderful family dinner

A Sunny Christmas Day in Rose Bay

We do love our food on Erica

Greg sailing under the Harbour Bridge

Amy "self portrait" and that Bridge!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Gold Coast to Sydney (or bust) - Dec 2010

Most east coast cruisers agree that 2010 has been a hard year to sail south and after our great expectations of more northerlies once we got south of Brisbane this just hasn't eventuated. Just assume our 2 weeks from the Gold Coast to Sydney was wet and it was either windy from the south or calm from the north, so sadly we have motored a lot. The up side of this has been we have had to stop and visit more towns along the way which has shown us how green the east coast of Australia is now.

We now feel quite expert at crossing bar entrances which are very common on the North NSW Coast. Thanks to Say No More for a great shot of dear Erica climbing over some big swells to get out of Southport bar. After a final 22 hour leg we arrived in the calm of Pittwater and had a very well deserved sleep before waking up to Thunderstorm warnings. A quick decision to fill up with fuel before the storm was put on hold as Erica and crew were pelted with marble sized hail stones.

After a few days walking and relaxing with family and friends in Pittwater we again headed off quickly in a good weather window to Sydney. After over 1,000 nautical miles sailing from the Whitsundays it was a great feeling to get to Sydney Heads and turn right in to Australia's most beautiful harbour. The camera went made as we dodged Ferries and tried to work out were to go. Say No More had left us up the coast a few days earlier so it was great to catch up with them in Lavender Bay next to Luna Park. We then had some of the Super Maxi's training for the Sydney Hobart go by close and we felt now we are really here! Enjoy and have a safe and Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as team Erica are now in party town Sydney...

Erica not sinking but climbing Waves!

Say No More & Erica off Gold Coast

Fly Fish on Deck

South Solitary Island allot calmer than 2007

Say No More at Yamba Cafe!

Yamba and the rain keeps coming

Erica anchored in centre of Laurieton

Hail in Pittwater

Stretching legs at Palm Beach

North Head Sydney Harbour

Peta and North Head - A very long sail!

Peta relaxed and in Sydney Harbour

Sydney town and the Harbour Bridge

Peta and the Harbour Bridge

Phil and the Harbour Bridge

Erica under the Harbour Bridge

Say No More on a mooring in Lavender Bay

Wild Oats XI comes out to welcome Erica

Lahana also welcomes Erica to Sydney

Playing tourists and relaxing in Sydney