Friday, April 25, 2008

Garry's Anchorage - Fraser Island

Anzac Day, and Erica’s First Anniversary under our ownership, saw us wake to Bacon & Eggs and a much more relaxed crew now we were in sheltered watwers. However, weather again dictated and we moved further up the Strait to one of its popular mooring spots, “Garry’s Anchorage”, where we wined & dined and relaxed with 16 other boats. This is Queensland and Erica’s adventure has now really begun!

Wide Bay Bar & Inskip Point - Southern end of Fraser

Thursday 24 April at 6.00am we departed for the notorious Wide Bay Bar which marks the entrance to the Great Sandy Strait and Fraser Island. The Bar lived up to its reputation for raising apprehension, and looked like the inside of a washing machine, but Erica happily surfed in at 11 knots and we anchored at the beautifully calm Inskip Point.

Waves at Mooloolaba Entrance & Light House at Double Island Point (North of Noosa)

Leaving Royal Queensland Yacht Club - 22 April 2008

It’s happened; after two weeks preparation in Brisbane with lots of help and support of family and friends, Erica and her crew departed on 22 April 2008 destined for the holiday town of Mooloolaba. After a long day’s sail we arrived to breaking waves at the harbour entrance. Once negotiated, we were relieved to tie up at the Mooloolaba Yacht Club marina. Unanimously we decided to spend a day in the sun at Mooloolaba before moving onto Fraser Island.